Saturday, May 15, 2010

Nerve Compression Question

This picture should help with the question asked today about lumbar herniations.
Basically the L4 nerve passes and exits JUST above where the disc herniates, so the only nerve left that it can compress will be L5. The L4 disc will basically be the floor of the foramina that the L4 nerve exits, so even if it protrudes, it won't make a difference for that nerve, but will compress L5 before it exits the spinal column.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Week One Biochem

This is just a little summary of what week one of biochem looks like, and this is what I'll likely cover during the first session. The subjects in the linked word document are typically what people had trouble with during my first semester experience.

Click Here to download!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Welcome to Semester One!

Welcome to your first semester as a medical student at Ross University. It can be very daunting to go through such a tough program on an island like Dominica, but we are here to help! Hopefully over the next 13 weeks, we can go over the most confusing parts of the material and give you an overall understanding that will last to the USMLE.

Over the next few months, you will be taking Histology, Biochemistry and Genetics, Physiology and Anatomy. Here, we will be focusing on Biochemistry/Genetics and Physiology, although if questions come up for the other courses, I can of course help you out. I just won't be making any formal presentations on any of the other courses, unless something specific comes up that everyone has difficulty with (brachial plexus in anatomy for example...)

You can also contact me via email at anytime and I will get answers to you ASAP.

Thanks for visiting and good luck this semester!